[Vwdiesel] Nicks supersmoker/oilburner

Val Christian val at swamps.roc.ny.us
Sat Apr 9 23:04:50 EDT 2005

> On 9 Apr 2005 at 19:11, Jim Arnott <jrasite at eoni.com> wrote:
> > Bentley actually says 33.  Bentley's 33 cost me $326 and the new head 
> > was replaced with a used head with 20k miles on it. I have an Overland 
> > 1.9 hydraulic head out on the bench that has 1500 miles on it.  Three 
> > smashed lifters, gouged lifter bores and a trashed cam.  33 my ass. 45 
> > and not a lb ft less.
> I think this may be one of those cases where "gutentight" is better than going by the 
> book... :-)
> I always give it an extra pull, even 45 doesn't seem like much. I'd be inclined to clean 
> the pulley and cam end mating surfaces with brake cleaner to be sure no oil is on 
> there also.

	I had a sprocket slip on the camshaft, with the factory 
	torque.  The car was out of warranty, but I was the 
	original owner, and noone had serviced the cam.
	It was ugly, and even with that, I was lucky.

	Shock from a hammer tap during torquing, and an overtorque
	are my current technqiues.  

	I've thought about putting a locking adhesive on the taper
	but figured overtorquing was more conservative.
	I've probably put sprocket pulleys on a diesel head 100 times,
	and never had a problem when I did it.  Of course probably half
	those installations have been prior to the "incident", so they
	were torqued at 35, or by the calibrated hand.


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