[Vwdiesel] 1981 rabbit alternator pulley

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Sun Apr 10 16:34:10 EDT 2005

> >I have '81 rabbit with a 1.6na diesel.  I am switching
> >from an ac setup to non-ac.  I already have the
> >alternator bracket but what pulley do I need for a
> >non-ac setup.  Is there two possibilities or more?  

  Depends on the alternator and bracket you have.  Motorolas pretty much 
have the fan, a washer and the pulley boom, boom, boom then the nut.  The 
Bosch have a spacer that's almost 2" long.  (On the ones I've seen, actually 
never have seen a Bosch alt on that age of Rabbit.  Got one by accident 
and had to send it back.)  Something like that anyway.  I know the offsests 
are different!  ;-)  My Rabbit's not where I can run out and look at it.  :-P

>  >Some
> >of the pictures show alternators with pulleys on them,
> >but I wouldn't think they come with a pulley?  I will
> >call just for the heck of it?

  Most don't come with pulleys.  Don't think I've ever bought one that had 
one with it.  

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