[Vwdiesel] Anyone else use a VW diesel or Changfa for an electric power generator?

Shawn Wright swright at zuiko.sls.bc.ca
Mon Apr 11 10:10:55 EDT 2005

On 10 Apr 2005 at 23:37, Area31 Research Facility <stephensrw at stn.net> wrote:

> Shawn,
> Thanx for the tips on the inline engines.  I assume these cars you mention
> are VW's also?  Are you not concerned about engine balancing with flywheels made
> for different style engines?

These use virtually identical engines (1.5 or 1.6D/TD, or 1.5-1.8 gas), as they 
are all VW group cars, so the the flywheel is designed for their use. As I 
understand it, if you find a 4 cyl longitudinal mount engine in a VW or Audi, gas 
or diesel, then you will find the parts you need. This includes 73-79 Audi Fox, 
VW Dasher (75-81 I think), some Audi 4000 models, VW Quantum, and VW Fox 
(85-90 ?). The VW Fox is probably the most common of the lot, but it depends 
where you are. 
> The 1.6 TD Jetta I am buying on Tuesday is a 1991.  Yes I'll be leaving it
> in the car as a transporter.  A power plant cannot use the turbo unless I
> want to use the engine at high speed and make 30+ kW of electricity.  A NA
> loafing at 1800 will do the job for me.
> I searched a long time for a 2 cylinder vintage design water cooled Lister 6 kw
> power plant before beginning to build my VW system.  The old Listers with the
> single and twin cylinders and huge outboard flywheels running at 650 RPM can
> rack up 100,000 hours between rebuilds and get super fuel economy.
> Was the standby Lister powered genset you have at work a fairly modern
> offering made by Hawkpower?

I suspect it is newer, it's a smallish 4 cylinder on a trailer, we use it for 
emergencies and our some sporting events where power is not available. The 
big Cat powers one of our buildings, along with our data centre.Shawn Wright
'85 Jetta D 
'88 Westy 2.1L, soon to be 1.6TD 5 speed
 (see progress at http://members.shaw.ca/vwdiesels)
'82 Diesel Westy

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