[Vwdiesel] glow plug as a central heating boiler...

Shalyn Shourds sshourds at flash.net
Tue Apr 12 19:21:30 EDT 2005

That's how the system is set-up in the TDIs.  There are three glow plugs 
(not the same as the engine ones) in a coolant flange off the head.  It 
adds heat to the system when the engine isn't producing enough heat the 
heat the cab.  I don't know the duty cycle on that, however.


Mark Shepherd wrote:

>Also, what are the thoughts on running a glow plug  at 100
>percent duty
>cycle, used as a liquid heater? The liquid would cool the
>I guess if if the SHC of the fluid prevents glow then plug
>will not blow.
>Some people are already doing this I believe....
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