[Vwdiesel] Oil pressure/temp gauge options

82 Diesel Westy dieselwesty at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 14 14:45:18 EDT 2005

Shawn, I have a neat hard rubber VDO guage holder for
3 small guages.
It mounts nicely with 3 screws to the lower metal part
of the dash between the shifter and stearing column. 
But, 3 guages only, fine for a NA motor.
I have not seen any that hold 4 small guages.

If you are doing an "aftercooler", I would leave the
EGT guage out.  If no intercooler on the 1.6td, you
need it.

I am just going to do boost, oil temp and oil
pressure, but it would be nice to have volts too

I used a stock VDO dual sending unit in my head for
oil pressure and idiot light, worked fine.

Bryan, NJ
--- Shawn Wright <swright at zuiko.sls.bc.ca> wrote:
> I'm looking at my options for gauges, and am pretty
> sure I will go with 
> something like this for my 1.6TD Vanagon conversion:
> VDO Vision or Cockpit Black series (any advice - I
> can get Cockpit series 
> about 15% cheaper -they appear very similar):
> Oil Pressure
> Oil Temp
> Boost
> The oil senders I'm not sure about. I'd like to keep
> the dual sender dynamic 
> oil pressure system intact, so I need the stock
> switches at head and oil 
> filter flange. But I also need to add temp and
> pressure senders. I could get 
> a dual pole VDO sender for the head, and use the
> 7psi warning contact in 
> place of the stock low pressure switch at the head.
> That would mean I 
> could place a brass T at the filter flange, and have
> stock hi switch & oil 
> temp sender there. Is there any reason to avoid
> having a T at the filter 
> flange? ie: should I put the T on the head instead
> for some reason, and 
> leave the filter flange with stock switch only? Does
> the standard VDO T 
> (M10x1 thread) seal ok on the VW head/flange? I've
> had problems with an 
> old gauge using M10x1 threads leaking because it
> doesn't have the 
> shoulder for a sealing washer like the stock
> switches do.
> Any advice/opinions welcome.
> Shawn Wright
> http://zuiko.sls.bc.ca/~swright
> '85 Jetta D 
> '88 Westy 2.1L, soon to be 1.6TD 5 speed
>  (see progress at http://members.shaw.ca/vwdiesels)
> '82 Diesel Westy
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