[Vwdiesel] New engine

James Hansen jhsg at sasktel.net
Fri Apr 15 03:06:27 EDT 2005

This more detailed description was also on the site.
so far I only have one question:
Does preheating the air through the heat exchanger  have any increased
benefit  over using a turbo to add more air in?

Well, unless you use a rotary lock or some sort of device to keep the air
stuffed into the engine, the preheatment would just result in less air
intake overall, and barely any pressure, no?   I know the diagrams are
overly simplified, but inside the heat exchanger, if the air takes up more
space, to get to 6atm. you would need to trap it in there somehow... sort of
like a supercharger, or positive displacement pump working as an airlock.

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