[Vwdiesel] heads
82 Diesel Westy
dieselwesty at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 15 10:19:39 EDT 2005
Sound not be an issue to put a 1.6na hydrolic head on
older 1.6na block that had shims.
The old issue is oil passage ways may be different,
cooling passage ways are the same.
Others on list can confirm better then I.
I can attest there is no problem putting a 1.6
hydraulic head on a 1.9 block, should be same with
older 82 1.6 na block, no.
--- Pam & Doug Boes <db53248 at alltel.net> wrote:
> Can a hydraulic head be installed on a block that
> originally had a
> mechanical head w/o problems? If so, do other
> adjustments need to be
> made as well?
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