[Vwdiesel] Help - messed in the head...
Area31 Research Facility
stephensrw at stn.net
Fri Apr 15 23:51:07 EDT 2005
I understand clearly what you say...but, if you have a head that
over-enthusiastic deck shaving has reduced the chamber volume in then by
adding more thickness in the head gasket than merely coming up to the piston
tops, could also be used as a technique to restore compression ratio,
otherwise it will be higher than design.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Arnott" <jrasite at eoni.com>
To: "Shawn Wright" <swright at zuiko.sls.bc.ca>; "Gary Shea"
<shea at gtsdesign.com>
Cc: "vwdiesel" <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Sent: Friday, April 15, 2005 10:21 PM
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Help - messed in the head...
> Shawn, Gary;
> The head doesn't determine the head gasket thickness, the piston
> protrusion does. You could cut 10mm off the head and not affect the
> protrusion a bit. If it had a one notch gasket, replace it with a one
> notch gasket. (Or do it right and MEASURE the protrusion.)
> Jim
> On Friday, April 15, 2005, at 07:09 AM, Shawn Wright wrote:
> > On 14 Apr 2005 at 20:18, Gary Shea <shea at gtsdesign.com> wrote:
> >
> >> It sucks how letting anyone else touch part of your car leads to that
> >> part being screwed up :( I'll never forget the place in Logan Utah
> >> that
> >> did an inspection on my Vanagon, knocked the press-on drums off with a
> >> sledge (before confronting the owner I quietly asked his son, who
> >> innocently acknowledged it), warped them beyond repair, denied doing
> >> anything improper, and when he finally agreed to replace them and gave
> >> me a ride back to my office, agreed with me when I told him that what
> >> I
> >> liked about Utah is how honest everyone was. I could hardly keep a
> >> straight face on that one...
> >
> > It's been a few years since I had any work done by a shop, but they
> > screwed that up
> > too of course. In fact, I think at least half the shop work I've had
> > done in the past 20
> > years has had problems, and I've always tried to find a shop with a
> > good rep.
> >
> >> I had my TD head valve seats and guides done recently... I brought it
> >> in
> >> for the initial cleaning and had to come back later because I hadn't
> >> brought them the prechamber inserts. Huh, the sealing surface of the
> >> head now has a big gouge in it... sigh. Ok, so there goes the 1-notch
> >> gasket I already bought :( I did get semi-lucky though, the guy
> >> called
> >> me when one of the prechamber inserts wouldn't stay in place. He was
> >> afraid they would get pulled up by the cutting tool, just as yours may
> >> have.... he suggested we jbweld them in place, I gave him the go
> >> ahead,
> >> it worked. I haven't dared to look at them closely since then :) Nor
> >> have I had the courage to figure out the new clearance, if I can even
> >> think of a way to do it... they couldn't give me the exact amount of
> >> metal they milled off the head... it'll be at least a 3-notcher now
> >> though, based on what little information they could give me.
> >>
> >> So I know just how you feel :)
> >
> > I do have a spare NA head, are the prechambers the same on a TD? How
> > do I
> > remove them? I'm guessing tap them out with something in the injector
> > hole? I'm
> > already at a 3 notch gasket, so I hope this won't be a problem. I may
> > try to measure
> > the piston height, since I got them in last night. I was surprised how
> > much they stick
> > up.
> >
> > thanks for the info, I will try gather as much advice before I talk to
> > the shop.
> >
> "We need a revolution."
> "Keep saying that and we'll need a lawyer, assuming they let us have
> one."
> Jan Steinman <www.Bytesmiths.com>
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