[Vwdiesel] Genset talk for BEGINNERS ---- (using the VW diesels)

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Mon Apr 18 16:24:01 EDT 2005

Lowest cost I ever heard of ?   Lorens ---- shit he is on easy street ---- on 
top of that he probably
seldom have interuptions.

  True.  We're second lowes rates though.  Cross the Columbia and it 
drops a bit lower.  I remember a lot of outages as a kid but anymore 
it's really rare.  Last one I really recall was when a guy dropped a tree 
across one of the three lines and took out half the houses up the next 

> Hagar.
> PS :   Loren has that Grand Coulee dam in his back yard ----sure nice.

  Neighbor's backyard.  ;-)  We get power from Rock Island and Rocky 
Reach.  Dad did carpenter work (concrete) on RR, Wells and Wanapum.

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