[Vwdiesel] Genset talk for BEGINNERS ---- (using the VW diesels)

Val Christian val at swamps.roc.ny.us
Mon Apr 18 16:40:45 EDT 2005


Aside from dynamic loads, can we not assume that the static load 
limitations (to avoid lugging, etc.) can be adequately provided
by limiting the generation capability of the altenator on the 
genset?  That will in turn limit the torque.

The industrial pumps, which I first saw using a 1.4 or 1.5l
VW diesel, had ways of limiting the torque on the pump, so the 
engine didn't lug (for example, with higher water lifts / head).

Power factor indeed limits the genset total output, but does not 
impact the powerplant operation, because if anything, lower torque 
is presented to the powerplant, due to the fact that PF will limit
to total power output.

To be fair, there are simply people who have to be off the grid, 
perhaps because of their location.  Grid prices are not outrageous, 
when you consider that a gallon of diesel is about 41 kWhr.  Assume
a 1/3 effiency, and you might generate 13 kWh of power, for a gallon
per hour.  The meter looks good.

All that said, I like the idea of grid independance, even if just 
long enough for the clean-up of the ice storm.


> again ?
> ----- Original Message -----=20
> From: H . Hagar.=20
> To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com=20
> Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 12:51 PM
> Subject: Genset talk for BEGINNERS ---- (using the VW diesels)
> The absolute worst WORST load on a Rabbit 1980 diesel engine is an =
> Electrcal
> load. ----- you may quote me.
> The VW diesel is a LIGHT duty    HIGH speed diesel.  --- --at 1800 RPM ?
> a proper governor will detroy that engine tut vit.
> At 1800 RPM the load has to be carefully calibrated so no LUGGING takes =
> place.
> If you doubt me ?   Take you Rabbit out to a big hill and do not shift =
> down ----just
> mash the pedal to the floor.     Speed governors go wide open --the =
> minute they sense a load.
> So if you want to (insist) on murdering a fine little engine ?   ---go =
> to it.
> We had lots and lots of talks here under Gensets.?------use them.
> I like that little VW marvel -----BUT it is DELICATE  ---the head will =
> twist if you let it
> and   overheating is a NO NO. -------I think it a fine choice for making =
> a stand alone
> emergency electrical supply.  ----In that role LIFE is of no importance =
> as far as
> wear is concerned.
> For co-gen ?   forget it  ----economics of scale will kill you.  ---Go =
> sling Burgers at a MacJob
> and your time is better spent --money wise.
> Take a close CLOSE look at your hydro-bill ----and forget about going =
> off line.=20
> I challenge  ALL of you to post the highest price per Kw/ hr   then we =
> shall see.    Here
> it is about 0.07 dollars Canadian  ---and going up UP.
> Letting the scumbags speculators on wall street determine my bill is NOT =
> acceptable to me.
> Was it Enron ? that screwed things up here a while ago ---sick SICK =
> Biggest mess we ever had.
> Like Val Christian said ---there are motors  and what not very sensitive =
> to frequency
> and I will add Power Factor.  ------        Powerfactor is very =
> important. .
> Not to worry if you run resistive loads ----the well pump and freezers =
> is the problem.
> My aircompressor cost me a penalty     ---1.50 Dollars Canadian    =
> ---too much for my
> liking ----POWER FACTOR penalty. ---It took me 10 minutes to correct =
> that
> ---never had a penalty since. ---that was years ago.
> Lowest cost I ever heard of ?    Lorens ---- shit he is on easy street =
> ---- on top of that he probably
> seldom have interuptions.
> Hagar.
> PS :    Loren has that Grand Coulee dam in his back yard ----sure nice.
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