[Vwdiesel] ----( The Power Factor )
H . Hagar.
h_hagar at prcn.org
Tue Apr 19 14:02:43 EDT 2005
Hagar, what's the power factor of those aluminum retorts up at Kittimatt??
The arcs have inductors to sustain them?
Sandy Cameron you hit one of Hagars sore points ---- a NERVE.
Kemano # 1. and Kemano # 2. ------ Alcan is getting the upper hand. ---shit.
Loren you are getting an inside look a the magic world of lectricity. After all
The weak point of Rabbits is lectrical.
To make Aluminium takes a LOT og electrcal power ---I have the exact amount for
a Rabbit.
Sandy the simple answer ? ---I do not know. ----but I do not think it an arc process.
The way I remember ? --it is an electrolytic process --and it tales about 10 Kw/hr of juice
to make a pound of Aluminium.-----And where would Rabbits be without ?.
By the way I have it FIRST hand ( ok second)----it is a shitty place to work. -----Good money but shit.
Sandy I did get involved in big BIG arc furnaces --- Ammeter clibrated in Mega-amps 3 phase.
No power factor correction that I remember.
As far as DC towns ? --yes I lived in one. Interesting experience ---Rabbits will run away
but it aint nothing compared to a bakery mixing machine loosing the field while running.
DC notors loosing the field ? ------they will throw the windings all over the place. you may quote
BUT to use the magic powers of lectrcity to kill people ? --THAT is where I
draw the line in ----the ---the ---sandbox ?
PS : Stupid bastards.
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