[Vwdiesel] Is it weird oil pressure?

slatersfb at aol.com slatersfb at aol.com
Wed Apr 20 15:45:21 EDT 2005

I hate to be the voice of doom here, but the symptoms you describe indicate a problem not related to turbo at all. I came across this phenomenon years ago in an inline six cylinder Chevy motor. Oil pressure would drop under load as RPM increased. It was resolved to be related to worn bearings squishing oil out from between bearing shell & crank. With new bearings, crank stays realtively centered in bearing. As bearings & crank wear, crank sort follows the circumferance - pressed against one side of bearing and leaving larger gap on oposite side. The motor we disassembled had very large amount of play between crank & bearings; both mains & rods. All we did was repalce bearing shells, fit new rings, lap the valves, and symptoms disappeared completely. Ass pain but still better than "veltilated block" as you call it. LOL
Bob in the Entire State
The pump is fine, large gears, almost no wear, with nothing plugging it.
Does anyone have a TD with an oil pressure gauge reading off the head port?  
Does the pressure behave as previously described?
I really need the definitive yea or nay on whether or not that behavior is 
normal.  I would hate to ventilate the block due to not addressing an issue, but 

are reluctant to tear into the motor without just cause.

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