[Vwdiesel] Genset talks for beginners ---- ( the COST of Power )

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Thu Apr 21 13:24:42 EDT 2005

You are not thinking correctly about the cost of electricity.  It is much
more expensive than seven cents a kW/hour.

Rob       ( in Ontario Canada ).

Me  Hagar ?   yes I am senile   ----BUT    ---- could my thinker still be working ?   ---I think
I will get an opinion from Roger Brown  ---alias   "Charlie Brown".

By the way    one time every year I go down on a sunny day and run the Lister Genset
as it did every year in the past ?  she started right up.  It is made by "Flygt".--------real
quality stuff.   (dumpster type)

If I pull the main switch  --down below me ( 400 Amps 240 V )  ----  and leave it off ?
what do I pay ?    BC Hydro Canada  --bill is stamped payed Nov 16 -2004.

Basic charge  59 days   7.19 dollars or 0.12190 per day. ( residential rate 1101.)

On the commercial meter it cost me sept 08 to nov 05   ( General rate   1220 )
13.10 dolars plus GST   I pay 14.02. total      about 7 dollars per month. ( 400 AMP 3 pH 600 vOLTS )

If I told them to disconnect service ?  --it would be total stupidity. >From a purely economic standpoint.

And that applies to 99.5 %  of all here in this forum.   From Vartsila to the North pole..

Remember to ask about  reconnection fee and charges. Before you do.    Like I said
economics of scale  ---and lost convenience will get you.

Who is to blame for Ont Can. Hydro fiasko ?   ---the woters in Ontario pure and simple.
The minute you privatize ----you are on a slippery slope "Spillway?"    ---IMHO.   Not only does cost
have to be paid by users --but cost plus PROFIT for the scumbags traders like Enron.

More on this after I cool down.

PS :    Remind me to kiss the meters today when I kiss the fuel cap on Bunny Bondo.
per Kw/hr   residential ? --- $  0.06190 Canadian.     600Volt system ?   it varies with
usage.  demand charge and what not ---BUT still reasonable.

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