[Vwdiesel] Is it weird oil pressure?

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Thu Apr 21 14:17:53 EDT 2005

never ,never ,NEVER    ---- rely on electrical VW or GM  car gauges ---NEVER --you hear now ?

Try to get hold of some 1.5 inch  boiler gauges.

The quirters on the turbo are like an orifice ----so when the oil heats up they get in to action.

Resulting in little pressure when idling HOT.       So cold there is pressure ----HOT very little
on the head.      on OLD   Turbo Rabbits.

Turbo and squirters and crank  has priority.  The BIG oilpump is required.

Two years plus Bunny Bondo has been like that -----me worry ?   not a bit.

If you do not think there is oil pressure on the head ?    just remove the sender and
you will find out.     ---I estimate Bondos pressure hot  with 15W40  hot and idling to be
about 1 PSI. ------not a worry for me ----as long as idiot light does not stay on.

For the head ? get a 0 to 5 or 10 Psi gauge.

Bunny Bondo told me just now that the Kollsman dial is 30 inches of mercury ---that means she is
getting restless. ----on top of that  it is blue sky and  that means she want to be groomed.


PS :   would be nice to have manual control of squirters ---like I had on my Harley.   Going up
Hanibalds trail in the alps on a  110 F day  ----the squirter was getting a workout. Just before the
Brenner Pass.

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