[Vwdiesel] Is it weird oil pressure?

82 Diesel Westy dieselwesty at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 22 11:21:26 EDT 2005

So, from what it sounds like, it is normal for the oil
presure to show go down as turbo boost goes up.  Both
Andrew and Hagar can see on guages, but Andrew's oil
pressure is TOO LOW, so he still has an issue, most
likely bearings.

I that how the rest of you that are following
interpret all this?

--- "H .  Hagar." <h_hagar at prcn.org> wrote:
> Answer ?  ---- YES YES YES.
> I have been following this thread carefully 
> ---since I drive a 1.6L Turbo   every day.
> If I tested Bunny Bondo and her bloodpressure fell
> by 80 PSI  --at exactly the time that
> turbine spooled up ?   ----yeah I would do some
> serious testing.
> And thanks to Loren as usual ---- I learned about
> the regulator valves installed in EACH
> squirter .
> In Bunny Bondos case it normal to have low pressure
> at the tranney end of head
> when hot and idling.    ---- OLD age.    ---My
> pressure is going UP UP---while hers is
> going DOWN DOWN ----    hows dat for Apples ?.
> I was told by a VW Mechanic that they all do it that
> way.
> Hagar.
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