[Vwdiesel] adjusting max fuel screw?

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Fri Apr 22 23:57:58 EDT 2005

Please anyone correct me if I am wrong, but the max fuel screw does not 
adjust the mixure exept by extending wide open throttle.  In other words, 
your genset is running wide open, adjusting the max fuel screw will not 
how rich it is running.


  Yes/no.  In the overall scheme of things yes, it only allows more, maximum 
fuel.  However it is kind of a linear slide over the whole range of the 
while extending or retracting the top end.  So, if you back it out, max fuel 
will drop and idle will drop.  Likewise going up if you turn it in.  If you 
hold the throttle at a certain spot and turn it, fueling at that point will 
also increase or decrerase.  If you have it governored then I'd say it'll 
simply pull the throttle further opened to compensate.
  Maybe new injectors would help, maybe backing it off to where it's at 
max throttle to get the desired rpm so it does lean it down for the given 
load.  Or somehow make a quiet exhaust with less back pressure or... 
add a turbo.  :-)

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