[Vwdiesel] hillbilly tuning - dial indicator help

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Sat Apr 23 12:05:05 EDT 2005

as anyone fabricated a sleeve w/ a little extension rod that will 
thread into the IP port and allow a generic dial indicator to function 
as a poor man's VW tool # whatever and read pump lift accurately (?)
thanks anyone

Cambridge, MA

Hagar is the only Hillbilly here who admits to like the  "Titel"  ---so here I am
at your service..

it's a cute little thing,   --- sounds like my TESA tester that I lend out many years ago
and never got back ---one of these days. ---He better watch out.

Anyway if you have no problems worse than that ? you got NO problems.

I simply used an old plug. Drilled it so the indicator would fit.   A piece of Apple Pie.

Plug is right in the middle of lines --they are not in the way.


PS :     or simply use exsisting plug and plug that when you are finished.  I am still trying to
help you on the Fat ladys songbook.

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