[Vwdiesel] Re: Security... Miser's method and annoying sonic powered cars

Justin and Chelly Bennett cjb at midrivers.com
Thu Apr 28 12:02:18 EDT 2005

When I was in an amateur radio club in ID I was told a story about a fix 
for sonic powered vehicles.  As the story goes a retired fish and game 
officer was tired of the thumpthump cars so he had one of the local hams 
set him up with an amp on his C.B., 1 kw, I think.  Then when a 
thumpthump would pull up alongside at a stoplight he would keep up the 
C.B. and whistle.  This would supposedly overload the stereo and blow 
out the speakers.  Again maybe not the most ethical thing to do 
especially since there would bound to be collaterial damage to 
unintended target.  Now if that could be focused and aimed at only the 

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