[Vwdiesel] Rabbit lover remembers --( had a ball of a time .)
SLATERSFB at aol.com
SLATERSFB at aol.com
Sat Apr 30 11:57:57 EDT 2005
Seems like everything happens for a reason; not always instantly obvious.
New exhaust system in Gina yesterday - patched since last Thanksgiving.
Rotted on day before trip to Va. to see my sis & her kids. I'd forgotten how quiet &
smooth Gina is at speed.
Tuesday before last, 70 mph on Rte 9d heading North from Bear Mountain - some
woman in Volvo coming straight at me in my lane also at 70 mph. Closer &
closer, me on the horn & brakes full tilt. Big trees on right, oncoming cars in
opposite lane. In a fraction of a second, I kissed my ass good bye. Sadly my
buddy in passenger seat, too.
I guess the horns woke her; at the last instant she swerved with tires
squealing back to her side of road & just kept going. Ships passing in the night.
A reminder of how little holds us here.
So when you do that tour of US, you be sure to stop in NY. There is a room
here for you & significant other. Standing offer. Don't forget, OK?
Bob in the Entire State
Mysterious hand guided in to thisforum , at exactly the right time ????????
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