[Vwdiesel] Sucking Oil
Val Christian
val at swamps.roc.ny.us
Sat Apr 30 17:54:53 EDT 2005
Mine is not a high end unit...it's predominantly HDPE plastic, and
sells in boating supply houses for about $35. The final 4 feet of
plastic sucker is a little more rigid, and I usually get a good
drain of the sump. Well, I always get a good drain of the sump.
The car is parked with a slight nose up (1.5 to 2 degree) when I
drain it. With VW diesels, this is a pretty good way to get the
sump drained. But apparently, it didn't work OK this time.
I figured it was time to call upon the masses, figuring that
someone in the group has done this thousands of times, instead of
my scores of times. And that I might learn something...
> You may call Hagar a sucker. ----- Val Cristian ---I know that you =
> are as good as the
> best here.
> I do it from Oildrums and trannys and what not . Tilting the car so it =
> pools in a corner
> then I shape the pic-up to get every last drop.
> Then I pour in a quart (Texan) of diesel-- slurp it around and suck it =
> again.
> Hagar . (the Supersucker)
> PS : I use Bimbo aircylinders as pumps. ---(small Bimba). from =
> dumpster.
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