[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings --OT ----( The Discovery take off ? )

LBaird119@aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Tue Aug 2 15:51:01 EDT 2005

> NASA ignored  damage to heat tiles on take-off ---for 16 days ?  
> ----(STUPID)

  Somehow I don't see hundreds of man-hours of studying all availavable 
video footage or running several test firings of foam launched at panels 
as ignoring.  NOT undocking and doing a rollover to actually, visually 
the wing does seem stupid though.

> NASA does a "Test" flight with 7 on board ? --(STUPID) -----------I can go 
> on and on-

  How is a launch of a tested and "proven" vehicle a "test flight" simply 
the insualtion had been redesigned?  The insulation that was redesigned 
managed to make dozens of safe flights prior to the big uh-oh chunk falling 
off.  Falling tiles, loose packing and pieces of insulation have been 
since day one.  They're just paranoid about it now.  For fairly good reason.

> The good part of all this ? ----Even in space we need Hagars and Luke 
> Skywalkers.------
> Heil Hillbillies.

  Watch Apollo 13 or remember the original event.  The "hillbillies" are in 
Houston and Florida.  All EVA's are practiced on the ground many times 
after a group of people brainstorm, investigate and follow through on ideas 
to solve the problem.  The guys in space, regardless of abilities and ideas, 
simply follow the step by step instructions that are given to them after 
hundreds of people make sure it's going to work right the first try with 
materials onboard.
     Loren  (Tired of the NASA bashing)

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