[Vwdiesel] Mileage test of Rabbit 1984 --- ( SmileageAugust 2005 )

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Fri Aug 5 12:01:27 EDT 2005

Today is August 05    ---   last run ?    16 Km   and fuel use ?  0.70 Litre.

Is this way of measuring ACCURATE   ?----- bet your sweet ass.    ----When Hagar
measures ---he is a stickler.

So Mark Shepherd please compute  --that to whatever ? --EH ?  JA.

I have more numbers coming ---but above driving was bread and butter driving --NOT
Smileage Maximus.

Driver 158 lbs ---outwards bound ---on the home run  ? 162 lbs.


PS :    homerun ?    yeah had a beer at a stop.

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