[Vwdiesel] Dying Glow Plug Relays???

Area31 Research Facility stephensrw at stn.net
Sat Aug 6 17:40:41 EDT 2005

Hi Paul,

Is there more to this relay module than a plain jane relay like perhaps some
solid stste timing circuitry built in?  Even if just a plain relay, some
quality about the relay must apparently change in the 3 weeks time since
putting in a new one gets the system goinmg again for a time.  I wonder if
the relay socket has corrosion issues that are causing socket contact
heating and melting of parts of the relay module connection. A set of glo
plugs on my 1.6 NA engine draws 100 amps.  That will easily heat anything
but a good solid connection from I^R losses. In that case placing a new
relay gives you new plug contacts for a while until they degrade.

Maybe you need a new relay socket.


----- Original Message -----
From: "paulr" <reichp at earthlink.net>
To: "VWDiesel List" <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Sent: Saturday, August 06, 2005 1:37 AM
Subject: [Vwdiesel] Dying Glow Plug Relays???

> Hi everyone,
> I have a 2000 Golf TDI. The "original" glow plug relay
> failed 2 months ago.
> Installed the "first new" glow plug relay, and that
> fixed the C.E.L.  -- for 3 weeks.  After 3 weeks, got
> another check engine light.   Vag-Com gave a  "16764 -
> Glow Plug/Heater Circuit Malfunction" error, just like
> the "original" relay.
> Checked all the glow plugs and the wiring.  Only thing
> left to try was another glow plug relay.
> The dealer replaced the "first new" relay under warranty.
> The "second new" GP relay fixed the check engine light --
> for 3 weeks.
> The  "second new" glow plug relay is throwing a check
> engine light!  It's the same code as before -- "16764 -
> Glow Plug/Heater (Q6) Circuit Malfunction P 0380 - 35-10
>   - Intermittent".  It also lasted about 3 weeks.
> Removed and checked the glow plugs - nice, even orange
> glow. The connections from plugs to the relay check OK.
> The glow plugs that are installed are labelled "Beru
> 0-100-226-227".
> 1.  The relay clicks on when the ignition switch is turned
>      on, and clicks off immediately.  Get a short blink on
>      a test light.
> 2.  Disconnected the coolant temperature sensor. Relay
>      still clicks briefly, like before. Glowplug warning
>      light stays on longer, like it should.
> 3.  Checked the wiring under the hood. There's continuity
>      to the relay.  Everything seems clean and tight.
> 4.  Removed and checked the glow plugs - nice, even orange
>      glow.
> 5.  Checked glow plug fuse - tests OK.
> 6.  Ran out of other things to try.  The Bentley book and
>      service CDROM aren't any more help now.
> Changing relays seems to fix the problem for 3 weeks at a
> time, but will become kind of expensive at $125 each.
> What am I missing?
> Thanks,
> Paul
> 2000 Golf TDI Manual
> --
> *********************************************
> Paul Reich                Electrical Engineer
>        Support the Freedom To Innovate
> *********************************************
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