[Vwdiesel] pop starts & the alternator

Val Christian val at mongobird.com
Sun Aug 7 11:35:54 EDT 2005

I'd be suspicious that your brushes are getting worn.  You may not 
have a problem for a long time, but the dim glow at idle
seems to happen when the brushes are just below optimal 
performance.  I haven't researched why.  The altenator will
put out power just fine.

Pop starting won't hurt the altenator, but may be hard on 
your motor and transmission mounts, and your exhaust.  One 
family vacation was made solely by popstarting.  The altenator
died, and we ran off the battery for a week.  Just didn't
drive at night, which worked out OK with a 2 yo in tow.


> well I am temporarily sans starter but still need to drive
> so I've been parking on a lot of hills
> noticed faint red glow from alternator warning light when I'm down at 
> idle recently
> goes away as I rev up
> am I screwing up the alt by pop-starting?
> thx
> Rolf
> Rolf
> Cambridge, MA
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