[Vwdiesel] pop starts & the alternator

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Sun Aug 7 13:00:07 EDT 2005

Hagar sez   :    Answer NO no problemo --------Just make sure alternator belt is tight and
DO spray with BELT dressing. I use  ----kleen-flo   tumbler  ---stuff works like stink.

If you play the fiddle ? --JA ?   or you are an OLD Ham like hagar ?    you know ROSIN
when you see it ? -JA ?
IMHO   if light go out when you speed it up ?   NO problemo IMHO.

When I experiment with pulley size for the Cooling pump ?  ---I have the same problem when
I run Alternator slow ---no problemo.


PS : may Oersted be with you .-----a Dane too.

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