[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 187 ---( Hagar does Pheoenix )

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Sun Aug 7 16:30:05 EDT 2005

Yes Phoenix Arizona --- now lets stop for a second and think ? JA.   ---I often
wondered --does anyone out there really give a shit ? ----then I get these PM's ---Hagar
keep them coming -- so what can I say ? JA ?.

So Hagar has to go from LUND BC to Phoenix AZ by Yamaha 650 ---for some reason ----Being a
flyboy this is a piece of Apple Pie --EH ? --JA ?   ----NEIN.

Go south to LA turn left a 90 degrees and look for a sign saying  Phoenix .---JA
? ---simple ? EH ? Ja ?

But not so fast ----Hagar used  I 5   and was NOT ready for the rush -hour and those
stupid circular roads in LA. ---so there I am trucking along in one of the middle
lanes -----and the sign said WEST ?
No bloody way of changing lanes so I wound up in Phyllis Dillers back yard in Beverly
Hills. ----NOT a bad place really.
BUT Phylliss never invited me for supper ---SO ?   I had to get turned around and
refuel. ----that was FUN ----NO way of turning on a self serve pump down
there --Ja?--without paying first.----that one was a new one on Hagar.

Hagars tale to be continued . ---so ? stay TUNED.


PS :   The trip was PURE FUN   ----what a gas. (all 8000 Kms)

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