[Vwdiesel] Diesel particulate filters make the grade in Alberta

Gerry Wolfe gjwolfe at telus.net
Mon Aug 8 21:42:41 EDT 2005

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tony Boucher" <cdn_borne at hotmail.com>
To: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Sent: Monday, August 08, 2005 18:20
Subject: [Vwdiesel] Diesel particulate filters make the grade in Alberta

> This article is from a Trucking e-letter I get. For those that might be
> interested.
> Tony
> Diesel particulate filters make the grade in Alberta
> EDMONTON, (Aug. 8, 2005) -- As part of its ongoing interest in exploring
> ways to reduce vehicle emissions in urban areas, the Clean Air Strategic
<major snip>

>  The filters work mainly by converting CO and HC into carbon dioxide and 
> water
> and then trapping soot on the walls of the filter, where it is destroyed.

My understanding was that CO is formed when there is incomplete combustion 
i.e. inadequate oxygen to burn all the fuel and that since a diesel always 
(?) has an excess of air available (turbo especially) , CO2 was the main 
byproduct and that CO was almost non-existant?

> Tony Boucher
> Senior Consultant
> AIX: P5-Virtualization,HACMP,GPFS,WLM
> Linux: SUSE,RedHat
> Vmware: Virtualization ESX Server
> CGI Consultants Inc.
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