[Vwdiesel] Rabbit exhausts

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Tue Aug 9 15:52:38 EDT 2005

  I'm still a sucker for the older, 6-bolt, manifold and downpipe.
Better flowing by far, at least so claims the hot rodding mags
of the era.

Well Loren I have at least  one or two sitting here going to waste----and since you have
been so much help here _?   I shall blast them clean and try to get them your way for
free.   ----

Yesterday the  "slowbirds"  came in for a visit   -    I am sitting in front of the
Puter --next thing I know I am on the floor ---he has a Cell Phone and in no time he dials
911  ---and Hagar in on a stretcher in an Ambulance with all the sirens going ---on way to
ER ---- In this little sticks place ?  we have the most incredible Hospital  ---so here I
am  again.------The driver and the other one in that Ambulance ?  ---super PROFESSIONALS
in my book.---Driver was a girl and the other ?  a guy.----They sure took the job
serious --no shit.

Hagar . ------ JA   just a little scared. --- BUT ready to meet St.Peter.

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