[Vwdiesel] Thermostat/coolant hose housing search update fyi

chris granju carstuff at fiataccompli.com
Fri Aug 12 14:14:48 EDT 2005

 Thanks to everyone for the info, leads & thoughts on the coolant/thermostat
housing I was looking for.  Interestingly, I found that the part I needed is
available new from most vendors with a price ranging from about $3 (at the
local dealer - go figure) to about $15.  None were to be had 'on the shelf'
here in Knoxville TN.  All these options were the plastic variety like the
one originally on my '91 1.6.    So, in hopes of simply being able to drive
my car sooner than later, I called the guy who runs the junkyard for my
friend (both long time VW/Audi specialists in repair & new & used parts..i
wasn't keen on a used plastic part, but I was in a hurry).   Anyway, to my
surprise, I was told, "you don't want one of those plastic ones, we'll find
you a metal one."  And, sure enough, after looking around for a few minutes,
we found a pefectly good aluminum housing from an older 1.6, pulled it & it
now resides on the bottom of my '91 1.6 TD.  He said that and the upper
housing (I assume that's the one coming out of the head) were often
problematic.  I dunno 'cause I'm still learning, but I sure do like the
aluminum housing better than the warped & ultimately leaking chickens**t
plastic one I just threw in the trash.

Another data point.   After my hunting expedition, I happened to be looking
over a batch of various engines I just moved to my shop & realized that the
whole time I had the same part (in plastic) sitting under new 1.8s from
later model Jettas...so I guess VW still keeps those housings in play, just
in plastic.


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