[Vwdiesel] Argh! freeze plug fell in block!

Shawn Wright swright at zuiko.sls.bc.ca
Sun Aug 14 12:30:30 EDT 2005

So this morning I decided to hang the engine from the flywheel end on the hoist, so I 
could shake the plug out the vanagon oil pan filler hole. Minor problem... it won't fit. 
So I still need to drop the plan. :-(
Tip: before engaging in silly engine acrobatics, make sure the part fits through the 
hole... ;-)
Getting the engine level again was a two person job!

On 14 Aug 2005 at 10:41, Libbybapa at wmconnect.com <Libbybapa at wmconnect.com> wrote:

> Well, at least it wasn't the washer on the end of the distributor shaft of a
> late bus falling into the case as the shaft was installed after the case was
> assembled.  :-)
> Andrew

Shawn Wright
'85 Jetta D 
'88 Westy 2.1L, soon to be 1.6TD 5 speed
 (see progress at http://members.shaw.ca/vwdiesels)
'82 Diesel Westy

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