[Vwdiesel] NASA TV and crew photographs of Hagar
H . Hagar.
h_hagar at prcn.org
Fri Aug 19 14:29:11 EDT 2005
At work I'm an ISS flight controller.
Diesel content: I drive my Rabbit to work. I've noticed about a 5%
discrepancy between the odometer and mile post signs (the odometer will
be about half a number short of a full revolution at each mile marker).
Go here and click Find Photos to see if the ISS crew photographed your
waving! http://eol.jsc.nasa.gov/
Hagar is stumped for words. ---- while writing this I am watching Robinson pulling the
fillers ---on a replay. ----------- a Hillbilly solution if I ever saw one.
So now we have UPS and Houston represented here ---things are getting better .
Mark LaPlante --as you saw Loren gave me hell for my NASA bashing. ---more on that some
other time.--Loren I take NO offense. ----My critique of NASA has now been vindicated at
the de-briefing.
NASA called it a test-flight --so did I ---It failed and she is NOW grounded. Totally
correct action IMHO.
As a mission ? ----all went fantastic ---great job.
PS : I heard the controller say that ISS and Discovery was coming up on BC.Coast --I
ran outside and waved. That pass is on the video tapes. ---the monetary cutbacks created
the problems IMHO.
Diesel content ? sure what would you like ? -- Today I am testing Sandy Camerons nifty
procedure of using a Glowplug as a sensor. ---I started on it yesterday but the battery in
my AVO meter finally crapped out.
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