[Vwdiesel] stupid clutch cable broke

Shawn Wright swright at zuiko.sls.bc.ca
Fri Aug 19 23:13:11 EDT 2005

I can sympathize.
Imagine having your clutch cable go in the McD drive-thru... while towing a boat!
That's what happened to me years ago on the '85. We were on the way for a day trip 
with my brother-in-law's 15' boat in tow. The cable housing gave out. We called for a 
replacement cable to be delivered, but by the time it arrived, we had bound the 
housing with waxed twine (he used to be a telephone installer). The fix worked so 
well I drove it for several days before replacing the cable! I still have the repaired one 
as a spare...

On 19 Aug 2005 at 20:58, Matt <matt_lisa at sprynet.com> wrote:

> There's nothing like taking the Rabbit out for a spin, and having the  
> clutch cable snap when you're headed up into the hills!  I drove home  
> in second gear, and my luck is so bad, that every light turned red on  
> the way back.  I did a lot of backroad driving and u-turns.  I think  
> I ran 2 stop signs.  I'm feeling REAL good right now. </sarcasm>
> There was one point where I had to stop the car, and to get moving  
> again, I had to use the starter with the car in second.  I really  
> hope I didn't hurt anything, but the damn thing was pissing me off.
> There's nothing like having car trouble, barely making it home, and  
> having the wife glare at you like the car is evil incarnate.
> Ok, done venting now.  I'm off to shop for a clutch cable.
> -Matt
> http://matt_lisa.home.sprynet.com/
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Shawn Wright
'85 Jetta D 
'88 Westy 2.1L, soon to be 1.6TD 5 speed
 (see progress at http://members.shaw.ca/vwdiesels)
'82 Diesel Westy

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