[Vwdiesel] Water separator (?) leak !
Johann Koenig
explosive at hvc.rr.com
Tue Aug 23 22:29:57 EDT 2005
On Tuesday August 23 at 10:41pm
Mike & Coreen Smith <ve9aa at nbnet.nb.ca> wrote:
> Hayden,
> OK, I am liking this fuel hose splicing as an alternative idea. What
> would be involved?
> Drop the seperator down (it's on a few bolts I presume).
> Cut a couple lines and splice in a chunk of rubber or metal hose?
> Any idea what size & material I should use?
> Tank is full to the brim so it'll be weeks (900-1000kms) before I
> getting around to doing the job.
Heres what I did when I broke mine:
Jacked the rear passenger corner up, removed the wheel. Tried to put a
socket on the bolts holding the water separator on. Stripped most of
them, may have gotten one off. Broke the plastic tabs attached to the
remaining bolts. Cut the little plastic nozzle off the separator that
the fuel lines attached to. Used it to splice the two lines together.
Drove too many miles like that.
When I finally got around to installing the replacement (which I found
at a pick-n-pull, and broke two of the four mounting tabs getting it
out), I drilled through the studs from the top (lift the rear seat,
they're underneath it) and replaced them with bolts, and for the two
front tabs that I broke, I drilled a couple holes and used plastic
zip-ties to hold that side on. Feels solid and hasn't fallen off yet.
As to running without the water separator for extended periods ...
Can't really comment, but I suggest checking the drain valve on the
fuel filter in the engine compartment more often. (It also separates
-johann koenig
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