[Vwdiesel] Blotter Testing update. ---( the printer paper saga )

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Wed Aug 24 11:19:10 EDT 2005

Many years ago when ExxonMobil told me how to use the blotter test ---my mind got fixed on
"BLOTTER" paper.--so for about 30 years --that's what I used.  ---It is 30 Thou US inch.

Then a member here asked where to get the paper----I found out that it was very expensive
stuff. I then promised to look for a substitute ---- I can now report that I found it.

IBM printer paper   3 Thou US inch thick ---- Works way way better than blotter. It does
take longer to dry --- so it MUST be kept flat and level for some time. After a week mine
is DRY and ok to handle.

We need a Lingo to explain results --so here are mine.  a 0 is a Honey-spot-----a 10 is a
Tobys Ass.

All the diesels I got hold of --was a 10 ----except the Bobcat 743  and the Lister HR 2.

The VW diesels were the WORST.---- in one the oil was like TAR.

This way of testing is the most cost effective way that I know about ----you get a 0 a
Honey-spot ?
your Rabbit diesel is in perfect shape and TUNED right.

If you get a 5 ?   ---not bad  -----if you get a 10 --change oil.


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