[Vwdiesel] Glowplug as a Monitor of engine temperature.--( works like stink )
H . Hagar.
h_hagar at prcn.org
Thu Aug 25 10:55:29 EDT 2005
There are a LOT of ways to make observations. ---- ---BUT in a diesel ? --Temperature is
a very important ---TOOL. for TUNING.
Thermistors are thermally sensitive resistors and have, according to type, a negative
(NTC), or positive (PTC) resistance/temperature coefficient.
The German Aircraft diesels that I worked on , had "Pyrometers" at every exhaust port.
20 in all on each engine.
Electrically there are two common ways of reading temperature ----Thermistor (best) and
Thermocouple (not so good) ---In this context the Ballast Resistor in the NEW plugs is by
far the best way of doing it.
Looks to me that Area31 --is using dissimilar metals in plugs as a thermocouple----that
will be very problematic compared to monitoring the Ballast Resistor.. For you
ewbies --do not let my nick Hillbilly Hagar fool you ----I use my high tech as a way of
coming up with simple Cheap and practical ways of doing things. Val Christian started
using infrared long time ago and so did I. I even take Infrared Photographs of
things ---color. ----Pain in the butt is the thermos with Liquid Nitrogen ---that is
required by the camera.
There are on the market --really GOOD cheap IR Thermometers. ---if you have the money
?---get one --they work. Read my lips.---BUT they take a lot of practice to use.NOT
PS : Today I am checking voltage --Aluminium Head to Cast Iron block ----Ja ?
Jahwohl. may be the best thermocouple we have ?. We shall see.
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