[Vwdiesel] Diesel conditoners... renamed thread

Gerry Wolfe gjwolfe at telus.net
Fri Aug 26 00:59:44 EDT 2005

 I use the Stanadyne Performance Formula and Lubricity Formula.

Used to use both as well.  I've been told by the Stanadyne dealer that if 
you're using the Performance Formula stuff, you don't need the Lubricity 
Formula stuff... it's included in the formulation.

I've found that the increase in mileage about offsets the cost of the 
Stanadyne stuff.  Side benefits are reduced smoke, easier startup, increased 
mileage, less rattle.  Pump builder I buy it from says that you'll prob'ly 
double the mileage of the pump using it.  He makes bucks selling the 
conditioner, loses on rebuilds, says it averages out.

The Stanadyne stuff is one of the few snake-oils I've seen that actually 
seem to do what they are claimed to do.  Maybe some of the other 
conditioners are as good, dunno.

rgds, g.

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