[Vwdiesel] WVO shelf life

mikitka mikitka at earthlink.net
Sun Aug 28 22:55:37 EDT 2005

I was wondering what the shelf life is on WVO.  I was at the local
restaurant in town and talked to them about getting their waste fryer oil
and I was told to take as much as I want. They pay $100 a month to dispose
of it and would be doing them a big favor it I took it.  So my question is
how long can it sit unused for fuel before it starts to go bad, that is if
it even does go bad? I'm going to set the Jetta up for it or even make
Biodiesel, just not in the next couple of months.  More like this coming


This place goes through about 8 gallons every week.  I can get some plastic
pickle barrels from the pickle plant in town. 




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