[Vwdiesel] WVO shelf life

Shalyn Shourds sshourds at flash.net
Tue Aug 30 00:26:15 EDT 2005

> I wonder how long it will be before police are busting down the
> doors of condos to take out am unregulated private VWO/biodiesel 'lab' 
> just
> like they now do with crystal meth and marijuanna grow ops?

Is _that_ why they keep pounding on my door in the night?  Honest, it's 
just for recreational use and maybe to get me going to work.

I do know that it's requried to have a BATF permit to produce your own 
alcohol fuel, if you ever happen to go that route.  I've done a little 
reading on that because not all biomass is oil based and I am a 
microbiologist, so the various fermentations are interesting to me.  The 
butanol one's pretty nifty.  Shame I'm not a chemical engineer on the 
side....  That permit process is obviously to keep people from running a 
shine still untaxed and also they don't let you run a still in your 
living room. 
You're supposed to have a little open space for the thing to blow up and 
only kill you and not the Petersens next door.

I could see where they wouldn't want just anyone making BioDiesel.  If 
the world found out it was the secret to making people smarter and 
better looking, who knows where it would all end.  I'm seeing high speed 
chases in a Hayden-chipped TDI Scirocco conversion running bottles of 
BioDiesel from the revenuers and G-men.  Might not out-run them on the 
straightaways, but sure would leave them in the dust at the Shell station.

I'm still intrigued with that UNH oil algae/wastewater program that 
Roger posted a link to.  Not quite intrigued enough to do the hard 
research and really boring reading of journal articles, but still 
interested enough to dream.  I have wondered if one of those research 
professors is interested in taking on a Ph.D student....  Probably ought 
not let someone like that hear my opinion of journal articles :)



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