[Vwdiesel] Pump timing/Reading a dial indicator
slatersfb at aol.com
slatersfb at aol.com
Thu Dec 1 13:21:16 EST 2005
I prime pump before final installation of belt & timing. Crack all lines at the injector, 12 volts to stop solenoid & use 600 rpm electric drill to spin pump. When fuel pisses out at injector, stop. Install belt, tighten everything up, time the pump & engine starts instantly. Save that $200 starter. Works every time.
Bob in the Entire State
-----Original Message-----
From: Sandy Cameron <scameron at compmore.net>
To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
Sent: Thu, 01 Dec 2005 12:47:55 -0500
Subject: RE: [Vwdiesel] Pump timing/Reading a dial indicator
At 09:29 PM 11/30/05 -0600, you wrote:
>I suspect either air, or no solenoid power, just eliminating the variables
>one at a time in easy steps. Figuring out what it isn't is the key to
>If you haven't had the lines off, the air will take care of itself in a VE
>pump- it goes out the return line. If you have had the fuel filter off at
>the same time as you had the pump open (so there is an air source and vacuum
>can't hold anything inthe pump), then yes, there is a lot of air to be rid
>of, but I've assemble engines out of parts piles, when there was NO fuel
>anywhere... filling the pump up through the return line banjo bolt was
>sufficient to enable a start with only bleeding the air out of loosened
>injector lines (at the injector), and cranking in 20 second intervals with a
>few minutes between for cooling. It usually starts on third or fourth try.
>If you know your transfer pump (internal on a VE) is weak, then you may have
>to resort to purging with compressed air at the tank, but that isn't the
>best way to start off really. It's too easy to blow a line off that way, and
>make yourself more work.
I use an "IV Drip" methog, hang a container from the open hood with su[[ly
and return lines, start the syphon, and the drip will fill the pump. the
engine will start almost instantly, and you run it until the air is all out
of it.
Then you connect the tank, restart, and watch for bubbles.
If there are a lot and they continue forever, you have other problems with
the lines.
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