[Vwdiesel] Rebuilding injection pump

Svend M Kjong svend at prcn.org
Mon Dec 5 11:39:13 EST 2005

can anyone point me to an available reference to rebuild this sucker?
Thanks in advance


(That was from Steve Boser  --Oregon )

IMHO  ---that sheen on the pavement  " Rainbow?" is the all time best  Rabbit IP  leak
detector. ---Ask Doyt Echelberger why oil spreads so thin on water. (he knows).

Those little JEWELS of IP design is THE most important reason I am driving Rabbits today.

This group has one of the best  (best IMHO)    Pump Gangs  on the Net.   I shall post the
names --later.
I spend more time in bed than at the keyboard these days.

A number of years ago I had  the Pump Flu   ---just like yours , same strain.   A Gang
member  named Gary Bangs. ---got me going in NO time at all. ---More tomorrow or later.


PS : those little BOSCH VE pumps  are like Rolex Oysters --versus Timex. ---Bad pumps
exist ?  ---yes there are Timex pumps out there.

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