[Vwdiesel] "leaning out" diesel????????

Svend M Kjong svend at prcn.org
Thu Dec 8 17:40:14 EST 2005

This stuff gives me a headache.
Bob in the Entire State

Bob and all : ----I have  Bob  in the Entire State on my MUST read list ---and  know that
this issue will NOT give him a lot of problems or headaches.   --ask him again a month
from now ?  ja ?

I can tell he is real close to the --nitty gritty..-----Black Smoke ?  ----is too rich ?
RIGHT.   can we regulate that ?  --you bet , Apple Pie.  --the fueling screw.---now can we
go too lean ? on a NA ?  yes you loose power.  ---so ?  we adjust for an optimum ---right
Remember this is assuming that Fuel is injected at the right TIME.----I am just getting
warmed up.

Lets say that pressure is 30 inches of mercury ?  OK ? so far --Ja ? gut.

Leave everything the way it is ---then use a supercharger to make it 60 inches of mercury
? --Ja ?    how's do you like them for Apples ?---all is the same ?  ----NO way
Jose.. ---what improves ? ---combustion efficiency --that's what.---so what ?   ---well
less smoke more smileage ---you cant loose.---NO I am not suggesting you install a
Supercharger   .----BUT ?  ---a turbo will do. ----BOB ?   is your headache  --evaporating
?   --after a month of this -shit you will be laughing your head off---saying how the hell
could I have missed that.?.-----like I said we have to learn ---? --and why not here.
Funny thing about me --I never get frustrated or headaches --tackling these problems.--I
seem to thrive on them.

And how did I learn  about MIXTURE ?  .---09 April 1940 my home town was under New
management  --occupied ?  you bet.--And all books about how to make explosives were
removed.. Not even Hitler  could stop a guy like Svend from making something that would
explode.--so what book did I find ?   --amerikan ---called the book of inventions---about
13 volumes.--printed in 18 85  abouts. --Well a flying machine was a Hot air
balloon.. --In the book was a formula for black powder ---from different countries. --What
did I pick ?  ---Prussian gunpowder ---that's what..   Mixture ? yes so many parts Sulfur
Charcoal and Saltpeter.
BUT  I missed the fact that it was by weight not volume.  ----That saved me from killing a
few of the enemies.-----SO ?  ---mixture is important.-Ja. ?   well it kept me from being
a killer..

Svend .

PS :     On the net ?  --the terrorists handbook was still there last time I
looked.----Now that I no  longer need it.--shit.---Like to know how the Occupiers of
Danmark would handle that situation ?----hell they could not shut down Svend the
Ham.---They drank beer below my feet for years.--while I was TUNED to London.
Exciting times ?   you bet..

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