[Vwdiesel] block heater test?

Roger Brown r.c.brown at ieee.org
Thu Dec 8 23:46:44 EST 2005

Will Taygan wrote:
> Okay, I'm trying to figure out if I have a blown element and/or a bad
> cord on the 1.6TD 94 Frankenjetta. 
> It appears to be a zerostart/vw freeze-plug block heater.  The end of
> the cord is orange and rectangular with the part that fits into the
> heater shaped like a V, with 3 holes in it.  
> I tried testing continuity from the plug into the holes, but either
> they're all bad, or I couldn't get a good connection.  (There is some
> corrosion) They all tested as open.
> I wiggled the plug and stuck it back it, tried testing again, still
> open, then voila!  tested at 35 ohms.
> Previously I didn't heart any sizzle, and the back of the block was cool
> when I touched it, no noticeable heat on the radiator hose.
> So, I've got it plugged in, we'll see how warm it is in the morning
> (after I prime the injection pump :) ).
> Does 35 ohms sound about right for the element?  I'm assuming it's a
> standard 400(?) watt heater.

Assuming it connects to 120 volts, power = V^2/R or 120*120/35 = 411 watts.


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