[Vwdiesel] Injection Pump rebuilding ----( 2005 an update )

Svend M Kjong svend at prcn.org
Fri Dec 9 10:15:34 EST 2005

----- Original Message -----
From: "Svend M Kjong" <svend at prcn.org>
To: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Sent: Friday, December 09, 2005 7:01 AM
Subject: Injection Pump rebuilding ----( 2005 an update )

> I write this mainly for Steve Boser ---but it does belong here .
> Steve  :    you mentioned that this group let you DOWN ?  --I find that hard to believe.
> Are you sure they did not just poke you in the ribs ? .--- Mark Shepherd is a very
> UK writer ----he is very easy to misunderstand. ---My advice ?   ---do not Cut and Run.
> What is the saying ?  "  you get too soon alt , und too late schmart  " .  ---My
> took a great leap forward the day that the stealership  --quoted me a price of 5000.00
> Dollars Kanadian for a pump for my 1.6L   1982   Rabbit.---107 AG pump. ---After the
> foaming around my mouth stopped --I asked this forum --   could I go and install one of
> the 1.5L  107 A pumps  that I had sitting on my workbench ---would it work ?     all the
> rest is HISTORY ---a very happy history. ( the HERO ?  Gary Bangs ).
> Why a HERO ?   the IRS had just confiscated all my bank accounts  --merry Christmas to
> them. No cash ?  a guy needs help with a Rabbit ?   --BINGO I got it here.--and I am
> to say that I got lots of money in the mattress.---for this years  --eh ?
> Holidays.---money is not everything ---BUT I like a handful now and then.
> Steve  and ALL :  If you have a spare pump ?---do not take apart   --without some
> thinking.
> Before sending a pump out to a shop ?  --do a bit of reading.---or ask the PUMP GANG
> .
> First step ? --take the top cover off the timing belt. Then measure where the belt rides
> on sprocket --then post it here.  If the belt rides  close to the outside of the
> sprocket --the shaft bushings are worn-----Then come back here for advice.
> Svend.
> PS :   I am able to help you guys --due to assistance from Doyt Echelberger ---(pump
> Senior ).
> Remember if it is NOT fun ? it is NOT worth doing  ( on Rabbits ). If I had so much
> UN  --why cant you ?---yes you can.

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