[Vwdiesel] Hillbilly TUNING ? ---( is it valid ? ---bet your
butts. )
James Hansen
jhsg at sasktel.net
Sun Dec 11 23:32:46 EST 2005
If you feel that I am putting you down Svend I apologize, as that was never
my intent- I do not attack the person, just the information that is suspect.
I do not however tolerate bullshit well, never have, and never will.
It appears Hagar is back.
that ensures Loren never will be back, thanks for that, we owe you one.
Oh, and my eyes focus just fine thank you. 20/10 O.U. corrected, 20/20 O.U.
It lets me read the fine print in technical manuals with ease.
-----Original Message-----
From: vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com [mailto:vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com]On
Behalf Of Svend M Kjong
Sent: Sunday, December 11, 2005 9:24 PM
To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
Subject: [Vwdiesel] Hillbilly TUNING ? ---( is it valid ? ---bet your
butts. )
That would not be the most accurate thing you have ever said.
With the exception of the members of this forum that have been exposed to
this nonsense, everyone else tunes their cars using a dial indicator and the
No not stubborn at all.
I though you were a VW diesel newbie as of two years ago. which one is it
now, the wizened diesel expert that has many years experience, or a two year
old diesel newbie?
This ole Geezer saw a diesel ---long before you James Hansen was born
But not to
put you down ? I never put anybody down on purpose, NEVER NEVER never, .
you call it
NONSENSE ok fine ? do I get rattled ? ---Never Never never-.-read my
lips. I
consider you one of the finest member of this group--- and you are on my
MUST READ at all
times. ----BUT when it comes to DIESELS ?----yes I looked at the Hindenburg
go by ---can
you beat that one ? Yes I was a 2 year wonder on Rabbits --BUT not on
diesels.-------get your glasses in focus. -----I did my thing on Diesels on
years before I got snared by a Rabbit.-----and before that ? German E
boats. ---Not to
mention all the Bobcat Diesels----I am not NOT a mechanic the way you
are-----BUT I am
pretty damned good.---on all engines.---Including that NICE Radial on the
"JUG" -----yeah the PW big sucker on the Thunderbolt. And the Merlins ---
stuff.------I do not know an engine ? ---shit I sat on top of a German
Diesel aircraft
before you was born.
Now do I make IT ? ----if I do NOT then who does ?. -----I love
orum ---and I aint CUT and RUN.------
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