[Vwdiesel] 1.6TD compression numbers
Svend M Kjong
svend at prcn.org
Mon Dec 12 00:53:16 EST 2005
I absolutely enjoy ---and LOVE those pictures - WOW thanks------They will give
me hours and hours of joy----I am an Old Geezer ---and NOW ? I have time for kids `? I
do I do I do. MY kids ? by my wife Louanne `? Kathy Debbie and Mary Ann---- like all
kids got too big too fast. drives me madd.
BUT Life must go on.---EH ?----- Little Hopie --? Now is a slam dunker.-----about 6
fooot tall ? seems like yesterday she was that cute little thing.---man did I love that
girl or what ? ---her elephant ears and all.
.-----James Hansen and I are sparring a bit ? ---but do I like pictures of his kids -
? I would never do without.-----and that goes for the rest of you.----Are the KIDS of
yours ? NOT the top of the line ?
They have to be ? OT or nothing ?.
Yes Shawn your numbers are a bit low ---more on that tomorrow. Here kids come
first. ---read my lips.
Svend .
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