[Vwdiesel] Too many damn variables

hwy9fergs at comcast.net hwy9fergs at comcast.net
Tue Dec 13 16:05:34 EST 2005

Not to confuse the issue any more than necessary, but Wow, I forgot to mention one HUGE variable, that will make it damn near impossible for us to really know where we stand on our tuning issues (if we're using mileage as a guide). The Quality of the Diesel Fuel.
For all I know, my engine is tuned to as optimal a state as it can be, but it's this Kalifornia fuel that's got me!! A friend of mine (who has had a little datsun diesel pickup truck for a long, long time) said he noticed a big difference in his mileage after they reformulated the fuel around here. And it didn't get better.  Doug 

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