[Vwdiesel] Svend's Mileage?

Svend M Kjong svend at prcn.org
Wed Dec 14 14:21:12 EST 2005

Furguson did you mean  SMILEAGE ? ---just kidding  ----My funny bone is too big.

How accurate did I measure ?  ----very     to the ml.----and I mean every trip.   A 1984
Rabbit is not exactly like a spring Chicken.?  Ja ?  ---And yet she outperforms   even the
latest cars in this part of the world.----The Prius   dollar for dollar is way back there
in the dust. But remember I use them BIG gallons.

Yes  BUNNY BONDO  will do 100 miles on a Kanadian gallon.---(a tailwind helps)----- I
compare notes every day with a guy in Daenemark.   who drives a VW LUPO.----talk about

I'm hanging my head in a constant depression.  It's really bad. You have to do something.

Furguson and ALL :   NOW now depression is OUT.  ---Must be fun --ok ?.

Bunny Bond    turns in a  Smileage of way way better than  50 miles to a Gallon Imp. All
the time.


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