[Vwdiesel] Smielage ?---what is it in 2005 ? ---( its breezing by that filling station grinning )

Svend M Kjong svend at prcn.org
Thu Dec 15 12:49:12 EST 2005

Happy diesels are smiling-.----and soon the drivers will be smiling.--say I. -especially
Flyboy Ferguson.

Ferguson I remember you trying to install sprayjets on a  NA block.   (  how did you do
? ).

42 miles on a gallon US   ---is a good starting point ----It means all systems are
working.  ----Rest is a matter of TUNING.---    under TUNING is a section dealing with
troubleshooting and what to do if things are not right.

Svend (thats me)    like to lead by example  ----Old Rabbits are my bag  --and I dislike
telling you what to do  --like I was GOD or something.----I like to tell you HOW I did it
and the performance. more on that some other time.  nuff to say that in the great entrance
hall with the BIG staircase ---the sign  said    to LEAD    first you must learn to

So here you go Ferguson and ALL.----in the case of Fergus ?   start with the simple
hing  ----sorry I have to do this in fits and starts.  ---(due to a very severe
lness.)   ---BUT ? who knows I may make it.

Ferguson  a flyboy like you  is a shoe in for Gary Banks  --moving the pump with engine
running  Gary I have done that on a lot of diesels  , so I know it works  --BUT I never
did it on a Rabbit.- (but I will).

First thing first ---the cold start knob.----Bunny Bondos   --"  Pull Ratio "  is 2 pounds
idling   and 20 pounds stopped ?   2 to 20 . ----What is yours. ?.Bunnys Oil is clean  ,
hows yours ?  mail me a blotter test

Svend  .

PS  : Jeff Rakus..I will try to write   --- my inbox ?    how about 1151 messages. (shit)

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