[Vwdiesel] Last minute gifts for the home mechanic

David Cook vwdieselbunny at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 19 18:51:31 EST 2005

If you have an "Automotive Minded" person in you life,
these gift 
suggestions should be considered.

1. Tire Air Change Kit. This kit comes with everything
you need to 
change the air in your tires. This highly recommended
but often 
overlooked maintenance item is much easier now.
Remember to change 
your air every 3000 miles or twice a year. $25

2. Blinker Fluid. You knew it existed but, WOW, is
this stuff hard to 
find. 4oz bottle. $12

3. Synthetic Blinker Fluid. Better yet! 4oz bottle.

4. Light Bulb Filaments. Why throw away a perfectly
good turn signal 
or stop light bulb when you can just install a new
filament? Premium 
Filaments, made in the USA! $1 each.

5. Manifold Heat. Yes, your exhaust manifold should be
HOT.  If it's 
not, you may need this item. 

Sold by the pound.  $3.50

6. Steering Wheel Gaskets. All SIZES available! Email
for specific 
application. From $9.99

7. Tie Rod Tensioner. Is your tie rod limp? Tension it
with T-50! 

8. Alternator Batteries. (4 required, replace them
all!) >From $2.99

9. Fan Belt Buckles. Specify brass or chrome. Gold
available special 
order. $14.99

10. Muffler Bearing Manual. Print version $59.95

11. Muffler Bearing Manual. CD version $49.99

12. Universal Muffler Bearing Tool Kit $105.59

13. Muffler Bearing Hi Temp Synthetic Lube (the only
kind we sell!) 

14. Muffler Bearings From $19.95

15. Muffler Bearing Gasket Kits From $9.99

16. Momentum (required for tackling some off road
obstacles). Sold by 
the lb-ft/sec $0.50

17. Microsoft Windows Eliminator. If your car or truck
begins to run 
poorly, (long time to start, frequent crashes, etc.),
it's computer, 
(ecm, ecu, black box, etc.), may have become infected
with this nasty 
computer virus. This product will safely remove the
virus. $199 

18. Mirror Image Flipper Film. Did you know that the
image you see in 
your rear view mirrors are reversed! This is a
manufacturing flaw 
that the auto companies have kept secret for years as
the recall 
would cost BILLIONS! This film can be cut and placed
over any mirror 
to correct the image. Now you'll be able to read signs
in the rear 
view mirror! $5 per square ft.

Received from Pastor Tim's CleanLaugh.

David Cook
Red '86 Cabriolet Diesel Powered
Red '90 g60 Corrado 
Brown and White '78 Westy Campmobile "Bear"
and others in various states of disrepair
Pictures here: community.webshots.com/user/superdave5599

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