[Vwdiesel] Cold weather survival, was: Starting a Cold Rabbit

Svend M Kjong svend at prcn.org
Tue Dec 20 13:28:18 EST 2005

If I Svend was an arsonist ? ----the best of the best READ MY LIPS.

Does that have to do with starting a fire  --and SURVIVAL. ?  bet your butts.----so how
did I learn so much so fast ?  ---Read about Dresden and Hamburg..

Why did I mention Steel Wool ?---it is cheap  --and you can get it all over the
place.----Is that my number one ?  ------NO NO NO . The best of all time ?  --cost a few
dollars. ?  yes but what is your brood worth.
Go to any big steel building  --and take a close look at how those BIG copper cables are
connected -----------"Thermit" ----comes in small plastic things---like your headache
pills.----I have used a lot of it and IT works.---that reminds me I'm out of it.

Go to an old hot water tank  pull the magnesium rod out----set it on fire ---then use
water ---WOW ----use SAND to put out.----yellow phosphor is good.

Road Flares ?  ---get em.

Svend .

PS . BIG apple strike ?   I Svend backs the strikers.----I am a CEO  --why back them

When Regan fired ALL air traffic controllers ?  --how many people died ?  a lot.-- OT ?
yes but you do not have to read it ?. Deregulation cost a lot of lives in the Aircraft
sector.  To overhaul an engine at 6000 hours--- rather than 3000 ?---STUPID.----Rebuttal

      Thermit Welding

      by Richard N. Hart
      reprinted by Lindsay Publications

      Take a mixture of powdered aluminum and iron oxide, ignite it, and stand back!
Within seconds the mixture flames to twice the temperature of molten steel, and from the
bottom of the special crucible comes molten iron. In 1914 Thermit was a cheap and simple
way to weld heavy iron.

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